Unlocking self-love, stress relief, and healthier relationships.

Supportive & Transformative




….Every Step of the Way.




A Proven Path to YOUR Realized Results.

  • uplifting & engaging weekly coaching support with ‘stress-free’ action steps that help you transform, destress, build relationship IQ & momentum to get the results you desire

  • a communication protocol to acquire a self-love-language that overpowers negative thoughts - increasing a commitment & consistency towards your weight loss, stress release, & healthy relationship-building goals

  • a supportive like-minded private community with a hub for dogs and their owners to support a dog’s healthy diet, digestion, and energy, plus a list of relative resources

…Have that feeling there is more to: love, wellness, & relationships that feels already in existence for you, yet is apart from you?

IT’S TIME .…to: Eliminate the Gap. <3

  • feeling unmotivated, 'stuck', stressed, or discontent in negative thoughts. You desire and know there’s greater for you, just not sure how to disrupt those sabotoging thought patterns & feelings, or how to start and stay motivated.

  • feeling guilty or self-condemning in a desire to lose 35-100 lbs. naturally, as you’re confident you can. You want sustainable results but struggle with commitment or consistency within a busy schedule.

  • now a bride-to-be, married/divorced, single, you’re looking to feel your best, but also whole, questioning ways to build healthier relationships. You want the biblical truth about Love to avoid risks of: being disillusioned by a counterfeit, closing yourself off due to past hurts, or becoming apart of the ‘fail rate’ statistics. You want to experience a mutual lasting exchange of real love and leverage more odds in your favor.

What’s in the way?…

WHAT IF…we demystify Love and self-love so they replace the stressed self-condemner/doubter or saboteur inside, with Peace, a Confident Conqueror, & Freedom TO BE so you can take the winning path to fuition of your goals, without wasting un-retreivable time & energy on blocks?….

A R I S E.



Experience transformation by a renewing of the mind around Love. LOVEPRO.4:22 is purposed to increase our knowledge of Love, self love, self-love language, and expressions of love to self and others, as a result. It holds timeless, ready-to-use-tools to redefine our declarations, thought patterns, self-care, relationship goals & habits for L I F E.


It’s a Fact! The Battle is in the Mind. Peace is WANTED.

To be spiritually minded is life and peace. Romans 8:5

  • Every manifestation and sustainable transformation begins in the mind - the biggest hurtle. A place that might receive 10% of our attention, among all the things requiring our awareness to make successful change; while 80% of a person’s ‘12-60k thoughts per day are considered to be negative’, says: - The National Science Foundation.

  • “…95% of our behavior change is from the unconscious mind.” - Alyssa Nobriga

  • “In my 20s and 30s I thought it [success] was 20% mindset, and 80% tactics and strategy and hustle. At this phase of my life I realize it’s 95% mindset.” - Dean Graziosi



into Mind’s-Eye-View


  • are driven by purpose and intention, beyond motivation, that moves you forward with grace and clarity feeding your energy, initiative, and expectation.

  • have Love & self-love within your being that shines. It propels a commitment & consistency to wellness & stress relief practices that work and are part of who you are.

  • feel and look your best inside and out, confident in your knowledge of Love and the healing work you’ve undergone thus far that shows and has prepared you to pour what you embody into healthy sustainable relationships with gratitude, enjoying the real love exchanges Love within attracts.

    Embrace & Unleash - Y O U.

It’s TIME Ladies!

“Hi! I’m Coach Monica”.<3

“I help the God-seeking health-minded woman 25+ who feels stretched, stressed, or at times is juggling multiple roles within and outside the home, to pause and discover the way to break-free from the pinwheel and negative messaging - often hidden - that generates false self-imagery meant to block her from the life-changing transformations she desires and knows she's built for, so she can profit more gains from her own self-care, live a truer expression of herself, feel more empowered - grounded by Love and content with how she shows up in the world to bloom and have impact, wherever she’s planted.”

*NOTE: Men may participate by invitation of a woman inside ‘pair coaching’, if desired.

If you are reading this and it speaks to you as if you are ‘that woman’, I know “I am here for”, then I know you and I are NOT here in vain or by chance. It means you too know you’re meant for More and are ready for your next level of transformation. If so, I would be honored to journey, grow with you, in service and support!

It begins with a Click on the button below.

<3 <3 <3

  • A child & teacher of God and His Word,

  • licensed educator; skilled experience with emotional behaviors

  • an experienced leader of conflict resolution

  • a Vision Alignment Coach with Youth Entrepreneur Alliance (Y.E.A.)

  • Nutritious Life Master Certified Nutrition & Wellness Coach; upcoming candidate for the Institute for Coaching Mastery (ICM)

The C o m p a s s i o n a t e Coach

So how was Guided Stress Relief Breathwork?

(*A Pair Coaching Testimonial from this biblically-based experience)

Sarah, Elementary School Vocal Teacher

“Tension that I had in my shoulders were relieved during this [First] session. My shoulders feel lighter than they did before. The music and ambience were very relaxing. I think the breathing exercises are a good tool to use when facing daily stressors.”

D’Agyei, High School Band Director

“It made me feel really at ease and more connected to God. It was nice to not have any of the business of life in my mind. Wonderful background music. I walked away feeling almost as though I got [sic] from a physical message!”

Let’s: Behold self-value. Build self-love. Banish stress & self-doubt. And BE the BEAUTY within. Together!

It’s TIME.

  • "Many should hear the things you share because it's so rarely or if at all heard. I wish I had known some of these things earlier in life."

    Kwani, Wife & Mom

  • "You have a very peaceful spirit that is needed and brings calm into a room, space or a view."

    Wendy, paraprofessional

  • "Thank you for this wisdom that helped me change my perspectives and to establish deeper relationships with God and myself. It helped me navigate through challenging ones with others."

    Tiffany, twin-mom & corporate CSM

  • "Wow. I usually don't allow myself to try on clothes in a store to avoid the quick let down when they don't fit. But I did this time!, obeying God's Voice!!..and the top actually fit! Thank you Coach!:-)"

    Tiara, Wife & Worship Leader

Discover LOVEPRO.4:22

A Mindful Approach to Wellness & Relationship


Who is it Ideal For?

Health-minded God-seeking or Holy Spirit led women of God 25+ who:

  • feel unmotivated, immobile/'stuck', discontent in their own skin, (and/or relationships.); Or desire to end negative thought patterns, and reach for the ‘more’ they know they are called to

  • feel guilty or self-condemning for what they call a 'lack of effort or will-power' to lose excess weight of 35-100 lbs; tired of the yo-yo and stressing over weight loss/relationships

  • struggle with commitment and consistency, or want more energy, vibrancy, and guidance on how to approach and reach wellness goals within an already busy schedule, without overwhelm.

  • feels her life is not where she imagined it would be career/family-wise and doubts her value and/or capabilities; may have bouts with depression/anxiety at times, and seeks healthy stress relief

  • is in a committed relationship/preparing for one (like a bride-to-be), or married and desires to understand ways to enhance or sustain it; or is divorced/single and just interested in gaining more biblical truths about Love.

Who is it NOT a Fit For?

  • This is Not for someone with eating disorders, or who is seeking support for eating disorders.

  • This is Not for someone seeking professional licensed counseling, therapy, medical or psychological services of any kind.

  • This is Not for someone looking for a fast, instant gratification, quick/short term ‘fix’.

  • This is Not for someone who is not open willing and determined to do something different to achieve different results.

  • This is Not for someone who is opposed to using or learning the Word of God

  • This is Not for someone who is opposed to using apps on their devices in correlation with the protocol.

  • This is Not for someone who is opposed to doing group coaching or ever attending and participating in group events. (Viral/In-Person)

  • This is Not for someone who is not flexible, open to, or is triggered by the idea of change

What You Learn:

how to develop and use powerful self-love-language and stress relief practices as life-long tools to remove the mental blocks in the way of your progression, and increase commitment and consistency towards your goals, through a renewed knowledge of Love that serves you in building healthier relationships.


…: We get clear, map where you are, and where you want to be - your goals and non-negotiables (with foods or habits) as we explore Key areas of LOVE.


2nd: We develop your self-love-language and stress relief practices, take part in engaging activities/workshops/events aligned with your goals, and easy action steps towards your goals with progress tracking and benchmarks suitable to your unique lifestyle.


3rd: We develop a maintenance check-in support plan in conjunction with the rate at which you embody your wellness, stress relief, healthy relationship building practice.

Note: Since dogs can have positive impacts on our health and stress release, we also share ways and resources that help support the wellbeing of your dog too, with the: Fur-Baby Feast Club (online) Magazine. Check it out!

We Sail 3 ‘Ships’ to get You THERE





When Love Aligns…..

Discover and understand more about Love, self-love/messaging, and your relationship with food and others, while learning to address your thoughts, blocks, stress patterns, and weight loss goals through a knowledge of Love, to begin transformation.

See & Shine Your Value. Unlock Your Love Language

Learn to unpack and see your value, while developing your self-love language to transform your thoughts.

Accountability & Support

Gain the needed support to take simple actions and experience your desired change from the inside-out.


“Move Over Girl! Here Comes Your Momentum!”

With relationship alignment, you are more empowered to take action. Gain a momentum to exercise your stewardship over your mind, body, soul, feeding each part in ways that better serve you.

Boost Commitment & Consistency

Experience a growing commitment and a consistency towards reaching your goals using the proven Consistency Booster & Health Prosperity Blueprint. Track your progress and use the tools necessary to help establish sustainability, in ways fitting to your lifestyle.

Enjoy the Fruits of ACTION

Enjoy events and activities on stress release and unpacking healthy relationships that support your transformation and are in alignment with you.

The ‘Body-Party’ Practice

Welcome the energy & feeling of excitement on a higher frequency that doing good things for your ’self’ & being can bring - celebrating the results that surface.


Exude & Maintain

Feeling empowered from taking actions, use the Consistency Booster & Health Prosperity Blueprint to build a winning structure within your unique lifestyle that helps to support and sustain your transformation.

Love & Live Consciously

Learn ways to live consciously, balance eating out, relieving stress, and a personal practice of nourishing the health of your-’self’ and your external relationships.

….. a Renewed Mind Can Mean a Renewed Life. <3

While enjoying your New Look, State of Being & Lifestyle, continue to support your sustainable transformation by using your *lifelong LOVEPRO.4:22 membership as a resource to refer to for updates in the changing wellness & self-development industries or to check out what’s new with us, ..ORrrrr maybe just to stop by to say: “Hello!” :-).


What You Get:

Unlock YOUR Treasure Chest

  • ~ deeper biblical knowledge of Love & self-love that changes everything

    ~ skillful use of an acquired self-love language & disrupter

    ~ support to help shed sabotaging ‘perfectionist’ thinking

    ~ private community & resource support covering the 8 Nutritious Life Pillars of Health by Keri Glassman, MS, RD, CDN, Nutritious Life Studio

    ~ proven action steps customized to fit your unique lifestyle (easy, reusable, immediately doable)

    ~ healthy recipes and food prep information at your fingertips

    ~ the proven motivational healthy weight-loss booster routine I with others used, to LOSE UP TO 5-8 lbs in 1st WEEK

    ~ easy proven strategies for heightened self-awareness and stress relief.

  • ~ weekly coaching & personal support, with Q&A time

    ~ all the inherent benefits of small group support (with a *Couple option available) of 4 people (5 max), that studies prove provides unique elements of support and takes people further and faster from point A-B

    ~ email & text (in perimeters) support

    ~ use of the Consistency Booster & Health Prosperity Blueprint to increase commitment & consistency and motivation to go from ‘unstuck’ to ‘unstoppable’

  • ~ access to: blog posts, members Only content, Kingdom Community Bulletin Board, newsletter, posted videos, the wellness & self-development resource list, social media posts

    ~ VIP Free passes &/or discounts (with Coaching Services) to a variety of workshops & events (virtual & online)

    ~ be among first to know & be invited to: wellness/relationship Summits with experts

    ~ exposure to master coaching methods by some of the best well known coaches and mentors in the industry

    ~ *Fur-Baby Feast Club (FBF) Membership (Free with Paid Coaching Services for the *2023-2024 premier roll-out year) supporting canine health

    ~ As a *premier client (open for a limited time) receive Life-time Free membership to the LOVEPRO.4:22 community




  • ~ have an empowering increased knowledge of Love that equips you with navigating & nurturing self-love, wellness & relationships more productively

    ~ have increased ability to see & affirm your value with tools to help overcome negative thought patterns

    ~ have more energy & drive that propels you forward

    ~ be and feel more anchored and content from within

    ~ have an understanding of how to have more internal experiences of acceptance and affirmation

    ~ feel more equipped & empowered to break unhealthy generational patterns within wellness & relationships or other areas of life

    ~ feel increasingly good and more confident about how you show up in the world, what you offer, attract, and exchange to form healthy relationships

  • ~ have increased levels of commitment & consistency along with a reference and practice for doing so

    ~ have customized ways and knowledge to get transformative weight loss results in 2-4 MONTHS

    ~ lose excess weight, stress and experience more Peace, calm, and confidence with tips to maintain how you look & feel

    ~ have increased understanding and knowledge of stress

    ~ have a healthy helpful practice & protocol to refer to when confronting and releasing stress

  • ~ feel more skillful in recognizing Love, and more prepared to pour into the welfare of healthier relationships

    ~ have increased your relationship IQ and references for healthier internal & external relationships - with self, others, food, and pets.

    ~ have greater understanding of ‘self’ blocks, triggers, inner-work accomplished

    ~ have increased understanding of what God intended for relationships - a workable ebb & flow

    ~ have new perspectives on ways to address emotions & times of challenge to help bring in calm and clarity

    ~ have a lifetime of support in community, with take-away tools, strategies and habits useful for sustainability

LOVEPRO.4:22 Coaching Solution


This 8 or 12 month biblically-based coaching solution is designed for obtaining lasting transformative results through the renewing of the mind around Love, using a soul-health-relational approach to wellness & relationships. This is what makes it unique.

It’s Unique

“It’s just really hard to get motivated right now. sigh I’m still where I was…”

What does the heart truly think?


“I don’t know if I have time to focus on myself…but need to..feeling overwhelm”

The Problem

“What is up with relationships?!.. What did God intend, because this is Not it! Obviously not for me.”…

“Why can’t I .. I am still.. I should be.. I’m just not good enough…feel …”

How often do humans accomplish real lasting change in just weeks? Transformation such as: renewing of the mind, any language acquisition, and unlearning while simultaneously learning a new set of: thought, word, & action-patterns, just takes time. That’s why this program’s intentional design seeks to accommodate that need, for lasting change. That said, this program is Not for everyone, particularly if the goal is to find the shortcut routes for ‘right-Now’ results.

“You can't change an inner perceptual problem with an outer solution." - Alyssa Nobriga

“This coaching first targets the internal root needed for any lasting change requiring that we take action, whether self-aware of it or not, that being: our view of, and relationship with: Love & ‘self’….I have found that we as people tend to act on, and attend to what we value, and we value what we love and relate to.” — Coach Monica, Founder of About the Business, LLC




The Invite

LOVEPRO.4:22 offers a way to see/feel internal and external transformation by changing the mind and body; gain increased levels of commitment and consistency for sustainable transformation within a year - One. This is done through a renewed knowledge of love - without adding overwhelm, and providing tools for relieving stress and building healthier relationships.

Is it a ‘fit’ for You?…

This is for the woman who is:…

  • at the ‘EE Marker’: ‘enough is enough!!!’, with a ‘No-return/No-giving-up’ mentality, ready willing and able to manifest the change she desires for herself by taking ‘action til fruition’ - exercising force if necessary, and does not despise small steps, for BIG outcomes.

  • feeling weighted with unwanted emotional energy, stress, excess weight, that she wants to be rid of, and knows she does Not have to settle for, or succumb to it, and is determined to change it for her own reasons. She’s ‘done’ with the ‘yo-yoing’ and wants to look and feel good about herself again.

  • ready to discover a better pathway for experiencing more healthier lasting relationships, and discover more on how self-love can make a difference.

“Heyyyyy, what-about-the guys?….”

“Welcomed to come by way of a woman.”

Although this program is currently only marketed for women, participants may choose to have men accompany them in the program for its duration, in ‘pair’ coaching, or they can include them as their occasional guests at certain events/activities.

The LOVEPRO.4:22 Solution service is offered at a standard single price regardless of the duration; coaching style - *1:1 (limited spots); 1:2, or small group of 4 people (5 maximum), who have the option to divide the cost; and whether paid in full (PIF), or via an auto-pay, payment plan option (PPO) with no plan-set-up fee. *NOTE: The PIF option is the only payment option available for 1:1 coaching, and it does come with an additional special offer/discount beyond what is standard.
