Get Your Fur-Baby Feast Club Magazine 4.95/month
It’s the ‘whistle’ call for all dog lovers! :-) Because they need Love & Wellness too! <3
JOIN the NEW Fur-Baby Feast (FBF) Club
If you are a dog lover interested in: supporting the holistic health and wellness of your dog for optimal digestion, vitality with longevity, while on a budget, then you and your furry ‘BFF’ deserve FBF Club Membership!
What Makes This Magazine Different?
the canine-care on a budget focus each issue, + my 7 years of personal experience successfully caring for dogs with sensitivities
7 issue-releases within the year, instead of six
the ‘Talented Dog Owners’ section featuring works by creatives (art, music, drama, poetry, comic strips, etc* (CREATORS!!!!! PLS SUBMIT THE COMPLETED FORM TODAY!, sharing the talent you wish to feature in an issue of the magazine. Can’t wait to see it! Please submit by 7/31/23 to be considered for the first issue 8/2023! You will receive an email with More details!
Subscriber Benefit
private community, blogs, feature sections for convenient interactive content. Viewers can be heard & seen
quick & easy references and reads that get straight to the ‘meat-&-bones’ ;-) of a topic
subscriptions support fur-babies; an annual percentage from all sales is donated to an animal shelter, charity, or organization that helps support the welfare and advocacy of dogs - and is published in the magazine.
specialized content-focus on diet & vitality that is based on top veterinarian recommendations, research, along with experience of myself & the community
have random chances to receive gifts or special offers for you and a fur-baby
table of contents
Food & Nutrition
seasonal fruits & veggies dogs can & cannot eat
Commercial dogfood options, reviews & price points (re: shelf, refrigerated, frozen-raw, freeze dried)
supplement recommendations by top veterinarians
Basic Homecare Tips
tick removal, ear itching / cleaning, etc.
shampoo choices & message
Home Remedies (Note: These entries DO NOT substitute or serve as medical advice, and are for informational, educational purposes Only. Please consult a veterinarian for medical advice or before making any changes to routines).
skin allergy/hot spot treatments
Special Features
FBF rating for various kinds of food choice items
Canine care on a budget
Human interest stories & ways pets help us relieve stress and boost wellness
Readers Unleashed
your dog as our Pet of the Month feature, along with Special Acknowledgement for the One-thousandth member!
a creatives corner
Fun random challenges, plus events with special guest contributors via posted articles, audio, video messaging
Reader Q&A + What’s NEW?
(find questions posed by readers - researched and answered by ATB; plus, any information on content-topics published by experts in the field.
NOTE: Premier issue is set for August 2023, for the first 2023-2024 subscription year! This 1 year premier subscription is Free, with purchase of the LOVEPRO.4:22 Coaching Solution.
Have Questions? We’ll Get Answers. Ask, & Leave the Research to Us!
Submit a question by email or within the member area where designated, and leave the research to us to reply with, and also publish findings in the member blog & an upcoming magazine issue
Dear Valued Subscriber….
As a valued subscriber, you will be among the first to receive upcoming service add-ons, specials, and announcements related to the Club’s goals and topics. (Note: Some special offers are provided with proof of an active subscription and in accordance with any other details, if/as required.

“It’s amazing how many animals’ lives got turned around just by feeding them real food.” ..appropriate for them.
— Dr. Marty Goldstein, renowned integrative veterinarian & nutraceuticals specialist
“Learning what foods were best for my dogs, led to creating homemade dishes not only for them, but also making some ready-made meals for pets of friends too, by request, that served as ‘nutritious-hits’ and special dining occasions for their fur-babies too!”
— Coach Monica <3
“RaverRaaaaaurhffff” Reviews! 10 of 10!
“Unfortunately, so much of the commercialized diets are scientifically based, but not biologically appropriate.” Check out more on what I did and saw guided by Dr. Goldstein’s integrative ideologies in an issue of the FBFC magazine!
— Dr. Marty Goldstein
I have learned that our dogs’ natural eating pattern from their species is majority raw meats and organs with a bit of fruits and veggies that could be found in the gut of a catch, and that this might be ever more essential to consider for certain breeds. Shown here is my raw version of the meal above. But ‘quality raw’ is not always affordable. Whew! What then?.. Be sure to check out more of my healthy recipes and personal supplement-use for my dogs, inside the FBFC magazine! - Coach Monica <3
“Just drop the treat already!!!!” — Sam
“I know for me, I have had to learn what was suitable for the diet of a dog that adopted me! Knowing nothing about his background after he found us. I had to do a lot of learning while ‘on the job’ training - literally! But it paid off for the both of us. I have learned some invaluable things to share; he has brought me calm when I needed it, and he has gained a life of TLC with longevity”. Check out ‘the way we met’ - an interesting tale - (lol) inside an issue of FBFC magazine!
— Coach Monica <3
“My kitchen became a lab for feeding this dog something that would agree with him, and me!” So I went to work, until I discovered what ‘things’ worked on a shoestring budget.” Check out things I learned along the way inside an issue of FBFC magazine.
— Coach Monica <3
“How can you Not have a heart for the Bichon Frise?… It’s my experience with this breed for the last decade that has helped me to gain hands-on + ‘full-nerves-on’ knowledge about the ways to care for skin allergies and hot spots. I have earned a few stripes or badges here too.” But they are so freakin cute and lovable! ;-)
— Coach Monica <3
“I found that olive oil and omega 3 can be helpful when treating skin allergies as homecare first response.” Find out more details about my experience in an issue of the FBFC magazine!
— Coach Monica <3
Our pets can bring us a bundle of joy and a variety of health benefits that includes stress relief, according to research studies. To help provide their quality of life against suspected food-related illnesses using educational awareness, we hope to see you inside, as a subscribing member of the Fur-Baby Feast (FBF) Club Magazine! (It’s like payment for their furry therapy sessions, but for LESS than the cost of a 2 legged therapist! :-)
Single Subscription for Total of 7 issues/yr. =
(1) = $59.40/yr. or $4.95/mo.
Fur-Baby Feast Club Magazine Subcription
FBFC Magazine Subscribers